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Pests We Deal With


They invade your home seeking food, water and warmth. Without mouse control intervention, one pair of mice may produce 200 offspring in four months.

Rodents prefer dark covered areas so infestations can sometimes go unnoticed until it’s too late. Given the damage they can cause, it’s best to uncover any existing rodent problems as soon as possible. The most obvious sign of an infestation is an actual rodent sighting, but there might not always be such blatant evidence, so look for other signs of rodent presence. They leave behind plenty of physical clues if you know what to look for.


Common structure-infesting ant species found in Canada include the black carpenter ant, pavement ant, pharaoh ant, odorous house ant, Argentine ant, and thief ant. Most of the ant problems in Canadian homes are caused by carpenter ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants. Of all ant species, the black carpenter ant is the largest in size and the most common to cause structural damage. Pavement ants depending on location of nests are more of a nuisance, especially if nesting indoors. The pharaoh ant is another indoor nuisance pest, often attracted to foods high in protein and sugar.


Depending on the particular species, adult cockroaches measure between 1 and 5 centimeters in length and range in color from black to reddish-brown.

Most species of cockroaches in Canada have wings but are not capable of sustained, powered flight. Some species may use their wings to glide for short distances. Each cockroach has pair of long antennae and six legs, which are typically long and spiny. The body is flattened back to front and oval-shaped, as a result, they are perfectly equipped for hiding in small cracks or crevices that touch both the topside and the underside of the body. Immature cockroaches, known as nymphs, look like smaller wingless versions of fully grown adults.


Alberta has many different types of wasps throughout the province. The ones that are most commonly seen are the Artic Yellowjackets. These wasps create large paper nests and are very aggressive in nature. Wasps are often attracted to protein sources such as aphids and other small insects on trees, decomposing meats, and sweeteners.

If you have a wasp or hornet problem around your property, give us a call today!


Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown, oval-shaped, parasitic insects that subsist off of blood. They can drink blood from birds and mammals, but they like human victims best. Humans offer these voracious insects an all-night buffet and fantastic places to hide when they’re not feasting. These creatures are world champion hide and seek players, hiding in cracks in walls, in the folds of sheets, in bed frame crevices, luggage and anywhere else that you’re not likely to find them.

How to Know When You Have Bed Bugs:
The only way to be certain that you have bedbugs is to find them. There are other signs to look for, like new bumps or bug bites that appear overnight, blood smears on your sheets, rashes and skin irritation, bed bug feces in seams of your bedding (small, reddish specks) and moltings, which are light brown in color. In larger groups, these bugs produce a sickly sweet smell similar to overripe raspberries, which can also lead you to suspect an infestation. Still, ultimately, the only way to be positive you have bedbugs is to find living bugs where they’re hiding.


This list is not exhaustive. We cover all bugs! If you find pests in your home, call us today for a free quote!

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(780) 498-2278